
Easy Roasted Tomato Soup with Burrata Cheese

When I was creating this soup I had second thoughts about posting it when there are already enough tomato soup recipes out there in the world… what would make mine so special?

I owe my reasoning for posting this to my mom. When she tried the soup her own words were (not even kidding) “This is the best tomato soup I’ve ever had.” That is quite some praise given she wasn’t starving when she ate it. After that I knew I had to post it so hopefully some of you would enjoy it as much as we did!

This is perfect for that end of summer time. Maybe you have a ton of tomatoes from your garden and you just don’t know what to do with all of them. This is it! Summer days are starting to wind down and soon we will have cooler nights. This is a great soup to have for that weather.

Just toss the tomatoes, olive oil, onion, garlic and herbs in one dish, roast, then blend it all up. Place it in a pot on the stove, add the bone broth, cream, cheese, and basil! Then toss as much burrata cheese on it as your heart desires – we don’t judge here when it comes to cheese.

Maybe enjoy this with a classic grilled cheese sandwich and whip up my apple crisp for dessert! This is the most pinned recipe that I have on Pinterest.


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