
Products I Have Been Loving & You Should Too!

I’ve always been one to try new foods. Even as a young child my parents never had any issues with me eating whatever they cooked.

Now that I am older and cooking for myself I obviously love trying and creating new recipes! But what I also enjoy is trying new products from the grocery store. I swear, almost every time I go to the store I find something new to try.

Since I am constantly finding new products I thought to myself, “hey, why don’t you review these products so other people can know about them as well.” So here we are.. my first post of me reviewing some new products I’ve been loving. And no, this is not a sponsored post.. however, if these companies want to sponsor me I’m here lol


So the first product I have been enjoying lately is Simple Mills Almond Flour Crackers. These are really great gluten free crackers. They have them in a few different flavors as well. The ones I have tried are the fine ground sea salt, farmhouse cheddar, garlic and herb, and rosemary and sea salt. My two favorites are the sea salt (which is just a great cracker to eat with any dip, as it can go with anything), and the farmhouse cheddar. The farmhouse cheddar is like a healthier, and better tasting cheese-it. The cheese flavor isn’t overpowering but still there.


The second product I am actually crazy about is another Simple Mills product. It is their Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookie Baking Mix. Not only is it simple (HA, get it?) since the mix is already there for you, all you have to do is add and egg, vanilla, and coconut oil, pop in the oven and WALAH. The best gluten free and refined sugar free chocolate chip cookies you’ve ever had. My boyfriend who isn’t gluten free had them and loved them, if you need any more proof.


The third product I want to talk about is Applegate No Sugar Chicken and Herb Breakfast Sausage. I have one link every morning with my breakfast. It’s made with no antibiotics and no nitrates, and humanely raised. It’s full of flavor and goes well with eggs. I was first introduced to Applegate products last year, and had their nitrate free turkey hotdogs which are great! They taste just like regular hotdogs and you don’t end up all burp-y and bloated after you eat them! They have other products that I definitely want to try out soon as well.

I hope you like these recommendations, I will try to do another one soon!

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